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Laurence Chinery Laurence Chinery

Episode 30: Shaun Fitzgerald

Talking Premature Delivery, Eating Difficulties, Family Protection

Shaun is the father to one daughter who is currently fitted with a gastro-tube to manage all of her eating. In the episode Shaun tells the story of the circumstances that led to that and the challenges that come with it.

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Laurence Chinery Laurence Chinery

Episode 29: CJ Robinson

Talking Alcoholism, Emotions, Step-Fatherhood

CJ is an author and step-father who battled an upbringing of abuse which lead to alcoholism. Listen to how he came through all of that to now help develop a beautiful family life for his wife and daughter.

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Laurence Chinery Laurence Chinery

Episode 28: Matt Cook

Talking Parenting Adults, Men’s Health, Relationships

Matt is the father to two adult children and has worked alongside numerous men, helping them with their health and relationship journeys. Tune in for a great conversation!

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Laurence Chinery Laurence Chinery

Episode 27: Grant Jenkins

Talking Children's Sports, Nutrition, Being a Step-Father

Grant has coached many children and young people to high levels within sports, he has a lot to say on what’s best for children in this space. We also chat about the process of him becoming a step-father.

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Laurence Chinery Laurence Chinery

Episode 26: Devin Krotman

Talking Being a Stay at Home Dad, Growing Dad Groups and Relationship Expectations

We dive into various topics such as being a stay at home dad, the strong emotions of early fatherhood, the importance of communicating clear expectations with our partners.

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Laurence Chinery Laurence Chinery

Dad Diary 2

Dad Dialogue 2024 reflection and lookahead to 2025.

Join host Laurence as he unpacks 2024 from a personal perspective and podcast perspective by sharing clips from previous guests. He then looks forward to some exciting things in 2025!

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Laurence Chinery Laurence Chinery

Episode 25: Anson Young

Talking Choosing a School, Kid's Ownership & Responsibility

First interview published in 2025 is with Anson who is the son to a teenage boy. We discuss the process of choosing a high school and how to best foster independence and responsibility.

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Laurence Chinery Laurence Chinery

Episode 24: James Gomes

Talking Parenting Approaches, Balancing Work, Reading

James is from the US and has a 6 year old daughter. Currently between jobs, James has been supporting his family during a big move. James shares some of his feelings towards typical approaches to parenting as well as traditional parenting advice.

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Laurence Chinery Laurence Chinery

Episode 23: David Cruz E Silva

Talking New Fatherhood, Life Design

David is from Portugal and he is a very new father of a daughter who at the time of recording was 3 months old. David runs his own company so part of our discussion is balancing that alongside having a newborn.

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Laurence Chinery Laurence Chinery

Episode 22: Matt Marquez

Talking Relationships, Travel, Goals & Needs

Matt is a relationship coach and a father of a 4 year old girl. In the episode we talk about all sorts of topics including Matt’s heart behind becoming a relationship coach and his approach to maintaining and improving different relationships.

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Laurence Chinery Laurence Chinery

Episode 21: Corin Long

Talking Parental Leave, Kids TV, Worries & Concerns

Corin is a dad of two, a 12 year old girl and a 7 year old boy. During the episode we discuss Corin’s experience taking 6 months parental leave for each of his kids and the different positives from that process as well as some of the challenges. 

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Laurence Chinery Laurence Chinery

Episode 20: Dustin Horvath

Talking ADHD, Stay at Home Parenting, Research & Learning

For episode 20 of the Dad Dialogue podcast, Laurence is joined by Dustin Horvath. Dustin is a father of two young girls and is a dad with ADHD. A former educator, Dustin now offers consulting services to young people who may also have ADHD to help them plan for their future. 

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Laurence Chinery Laurence Chinery

Episode 19: Skyler Huss

Talking Step-Parenting, Showing Up, Safety

Another first for the Dad Dialogue podcast as we welcome the first step-dad on to the show. Skyler has two daughters, the eldest to which he is a step-father. On the show we talk about the journey towards becoming a step-father, the memorable moments of bonding with his now step-daughter, as well as managing relationships once he and his wife had a new child as well.

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Laurence Chinery Laurence Chinery

Episode 18: Nicholas Braman

Talking Culture, Childcare, Work Balance

For this episode of the Dad Dialogue podcast, host Laurence is joined by Nicholas Braman. Nicholas is based in Singapore and he has a 2 year old daughter. 

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Laurence Chinery Laurence Chinery

Episode 17: Mitchell Osmond

Talking Transformation, Helping Men

On episode 17 of the Dad Dialogue podcast the guest is Mitchell Osmond of Dadnation. Mitchell is the dad to a 10 month old boy and as a father he has been able to pull from his experiences of stepping up and caring for his nieces who had their own troubled upbringing. In this episode Mitchell shares about his own upbringing within a dysfunctional home as well as the much needed transformation he went through early on in his marriage. Mitchell has a background as a music pastor and was raised within a church setting so we also discuss the importance of faith within his life. 

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Laurence Chinery Laurence Chinery

Episode 16: Leopoldo Aizersztein

Talking Media Boundaries, Moving Countries

In this episode of Dad Dialogue Podcast, we sit down with Leo, an innovative video game developer and dedicated father of two. With a son and a daughter, Leo shares insights on balancing his creative career with family life. Join us as he discusses the unique perspectives his children bring to his work, the challenges of parenting in a digital age, and the importance of making meaningful connections with his children.

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Laurence Chinery Laurence Chinery

Episode 15: Mike Jackson

Talking Terrible Twos, Allergies, Being Proud

Joining Laurence for the next instalment of the Dad Dialogue podcast is Mike! Mike is a salesman based in Texas and he has been married for five years and he and his wife have a two year old daughter together.

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Laurence Chinery Laurence Chinery

Episode 14: Jason Minter

We have another first for the Dad Dialogue podcast, the first dad to have adopted his children. Jason is married to his husband Zane and around 7 years ago they adopted a teenage boy out of the foster system. They subsequently adopted that boys older sister and took custody of her daughter also, making Jason a grandpa! The story of how this family came together is super interesting and something that can provide a different perspective to methods of starting and raising a family. 

Jason has his own podcast which he hosts alongside his friend Jennifer who also adopted from the foster system. It is called A Guide to Poor Parenting and if you want to listen you can find it at all typical podcast platforms, or follow this link. 

If Jason’s story resonated with you in anyway feel free to reach out to the show via the contact page. We’d love to hear more stories of people relating to the adoption and/or fostering world. 

Enjoy the episode! 

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Laurence Chinery Laurence Chinery

Episode 13: Daniel Woodrum

For this episode of the Dad Dialogue podcast we welcome Daniel Woodrum on to the show. Daniel is coming up to 10 years married and has three kids. Daniel works as a business coach and he identifies his mission as helping other parents become more disciplined and more productive so they can focus on what's important to them.

Daniel has a background in gym management, and he open and operated at different times 4 gyms, which he has since sold. Daniel now works for a company called Early to Rise which helps entrepreneurs and businesses operate in the best ways possible.

In this episode, Daniel shares about how he is able to maximise his day after his alarm goes off at 3:49am every morning, no that's not a typo! Daniel wakes up at 3:49am. He has a few systems in place that allows him to maximise his productivity, meaning he can still take his kids to school, spend time with his toddler as well as connect with his wife daily.

I hope you are able to take something from this episode and apply it to your life to better improve the quantity and quality of the time you get to spend with your family.

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Laurence Chinery Laurence Chinery

Episode 12: Pete McAllen

Joining Laurence for this episode of the Dad Dialogue podcast is Pete from Pyramid Park! Pete is a songwriter, recording artist and studying graphic designer, alongside being a dad to two girls aged seven and three. Wonder how he finds time to fit all of that in? Listen to the episode!

Alongside the discussion around Pete’s work in the music world, he shares many other stories including some relating to grief of losing a loved one. Having lost his dad at the age of 11, Pete recently also went through the process of losing his mother-in-law. We talk about how he has been able to take those situations and turn them into something tangible through the medium of music, which in turn has allowed him to connect with people how have experienced similar losses. Listen to Father Father by clicking here, and stay tuned to his social pages for the future release we discuss!

Pete also shares about how important his relationship with his wife is and how it allows him to be the best he can be, enabling him to put the needed attention into work with his music, discussing how differences between partners can be what’s needed to provide the best environment for children.

Check out Pete at @1PyramidPark

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