Episode 11: John Kirkland

Talking Fathering Project, Being a Connected Dad

Today’s episode of the Dad Dialogue podcast features John Kirkland from The Fathering Project. 

John has 4 children ranging from 8-18 so we talk about what life has looked like throughout his different stages of being a father, as well as how his career as a teacher has impacted his parenting. 

The Fathering Project is an Australian based charity which exists to help dads connect more with their kids and with other dads primarily through various dad groups and school initiatives. John tells the story of how he found out about the project whilst a teacher and now he works for them, further facilitating connections and growth for dads throughout Australia. 

John has a lot of insight and stories to share from a parent’s perspective, a teacher’s perspective and the perspective of a charity work focusing on dads. 

Check out The Fathering Project here.

The Fathering Project Channel many resources for dads


Episode 12: Pete McAllen


Episode 10: Khaled Abdallah