Episode 05: Darcy McAlister

Talking Life as a Grandfather, Intentionality as a Dad

The first grandfather on the Dad Dialogue Podcast! Coming on to the show is Darcy McAlister. Darcy is from Canada and has many different roles and responsibilities within different spaces, but he sums it up by saying he works alongside his wife, Leanne, to help build leaders. They do these through numerous different channels and he speaks about some of that during our conversation. Darcy has three children and five grandchildren.

Darcy opens up and shares numerous stories about he has led his family in the best way he could. Listen now to hear how Darcy has shown intentionality as a husband, father and grandfather and continues to strive to be the best he can be.

You can hear more from Darcy at the company he and Leanne run called Zoe Network.

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Episode 06: Chris Underwood


Episode 04: Joe Chrisman